Rice University Music and Performing Arts Building, dedicated to staging opera and orchestral concerts, scheduled to open
Architectural rendering by Allan Greenberg, LLC
The Shepherd School of Music

The Moody Center for the Arts opened to foster interdisciplinary collaboration through the arts
Michael Maltzan Architecture, Moody Center for the Arts, 2017. Photo: Nash Baker
Moody Center for the Arts

Shepherd School Symphony Orchestra debut performance at Carnegie Hall
Larry Rachleff directs the Shepherd School Symphony Orchestra during its 2014 Carnegie Hall debut. Photo: Jennifer Taylor
The Shepherd School of Music

The Suzanne Deal Booth Centennial Pavilion housing the James Turrell Twilight Epiphany Skyspace opened
James Turrell, “Twilight Epiphany” Skyspace at Rice University, 2012. Photo: Florian Holzherr
Public Art

Through gifts and a percent for art program, 13 new works were added to the campus collection
Jaume Plensa, Mirror, 2011. Photo: Nash Baker
Public Art

The PhD program in Art History was announced, and the first class matriculated in 2009
Herring Hall, home of the Art History Department. Photo: Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects
Art History

A degree through the program in Visual and Dramatic Arts first offered
Photo: Geoff Winningham
Department of Art

Rice Architecture Paris founded
Invitation to the opening reception for Rice Architecture Paris, 2002

The Rice Gallery was founded, commissioning site-specific installation art in its 40 x 44 ft white box space in Sewall Hall
Sol LeWitt, Glossy and Flat Black Squares, 2017 re-installment of 1997 installation. Photo: Nash Baker
Moody Center for the Arts

Alice Pratt Brown Hall, built to house the Shepherd School of Music, completed
Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura, Alice Pratt Brown Hall, 1991. Photo: Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura
The Shepherd School of Music

The Brown Fine Arts Library was established and now holds almost 150,000 volumes of architecture, and 95,000 music books and scores
Brochure from Alice Pratt Brown Fine Arts Library dedication, 1986
Art History

Michael Heizer’s 45° 90° 180° was commissioned by Alice Pratt Brown in honor of her husband George R Brown
Michael Heizer, 45° 90° 180°, 1984. Photo: Nash Baker
Public Art

The Shepherd School of Music was officially established as Rice’s music school
Sheperd School of Music inaugural concert program, 1975
The Shepherd School of Music

Sewall Gallery founded to create a permanent art gallery at Rice (later renamed Rice Gallery)
Sewall Art Gallery exhibition of Ryoji Akiyama photographs, 1974
Moody Center for the Arts

The first public art work, The Sisters (1952) by Carl Milles, was given to Rice in honor of Mary Ellen Hale Lovett
Carl Milles, The Sisters, 1952. Photo: Mary Ann Sullivan
Public Art

Jean and Dominique de Menil founded the Institute for the Arts at Rice, hosting major exhibitions and lectures in two temporary buildings, the Art Barn and Media Center
The Art Barn, 1969. Model by Vladimir Tatlin, Monument to the Third International, from the inagural exhbition, “The Machine as Seen at the End of the Mechanical Age.” Photo: Courtesy of Menil Archives, The Menil Collection
Department of Art

The Colleges began producing theater, including Wiess Tabletop’s production of Sophocles’ Antigone, followed in 1970 by Baker Shakespeare
Wiess Tabletop publicity photo for “Hello Hamlet!” written by sophomore George Greanias,1967
Department of Art

Fine Arts Department curriculum established before becoming an independent department in 1965
Poster for Department of Fine Arts student show at Rice Memorial Center, 1965
Art History

The student organization Rice Players launched
“The Maids,” performed by the Rice Players, 1976
Department of Art

Gift from Sallie Shepherd Perkins towards the establishment of the Shepherd School of Music, with the first music class in 1953
Sallie Shepherd Perkins, portrait, 1940
The Shepherd School of Music

The home for the school of architecture, Anderson Hall designed by Staub and Rather, opened for classes
Anderson Hall, view from the Academic Quad, 1950

The student-run Rice Dramatic Club formed
“The Circle,” performed by the Dramatic Club, Rice Institute, 1930
Department of Art

Architecture department founded concurrent with the founding of the University
Cram, Goodhue, and Ferguson, Rice Institute Master Plan, 1910

The official Rice University seal features the words “Letters, Science, Art”
Pierre de Chaignon la Rose, Rice Institute academic seal, 1912

The University’s founding documents state that the arts are an integral part of a Rice education
Administration Building, west facade during construction, 1912. Photo: E.W. Irish Photo Company