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Past Event
Department of Art
Wednesday, October 13
The Kids of Santa Fe: The Largest Unknown Mass Shooting

About the Event

The Kids of Santa Fe: The Largest Unknown Mass Shooting

Directed by Charlie Minn

(US, 2021, 120 min.)

Rice Cinema, Sewall Hall #301

Wednesday October 13 // 7:00 PM 

Special Guest: Director Charlie Minn

On May 18 2018 a student in Santa Fe High School in Santa Fe Texas killed ten people and wounded thirteen others. Charlie Minn’s precise and empathetic film creates a detailed description of the event itself and gives voice to the murder victims, the injured and the traumatized. “But what stands out in The Kids of Santa Fe is the bravery and ingenuity of the kids and teachers themselves, such as Christopher Stone, who gave his life blocking the door so the killer couldn’t get into the room where he and others were barricaded. If moviegoers remember their names — Christian Riley Garcia, Sabika Sheikh, Angelique Ramirez, Shana Fisher, Kimberly Jessica Vaughan, Aaron Kyle McLeod, Jared Black, Cynthia Tisdale, Ann Perkins and Stone — then Minn has done his job” – Cary Darling, Houston Chronicle.


Free and open to the public.

Discounted parking at Founder’s Court, $5 flat rate, credit card required.

Directions & Parking

Entrance #1, or entrance #20

Nearest visitor parking lot:

Founders Court 

Lovett Lot


Sewall Hall
room 301

United States