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Department of Art
Saturday, December 7
Seven Samurai

About the Event

Seven Samurai
Directed by Akira Kurosawa
(Japan, 1954, 207 min.)
Friday, December 6, 7:00pm
Saturday, December 7, 7:00pm

“An epic primal myth which has pulsated in cinema ever since, through the genres of westerns, war movies and crime dramas: the crew of ascetic, unsentimental but uncynical freelance mercenaries, brought together for a single job, taking pity on the desperate civilians who have nothing to offer but gratitude. They also see that there is a nobility and purity in this all-but-lost cause, which will refine their martial vocation as nothing else would… . The glorious vigor and strength of this film is presented with such theatrical relish and flair: its energy flashes out of the screen like a sword” — Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian.


Discounted parking available in Founder’s Court lot, $6 flat fee, credit card required.
Free and open to the public.  

Directions & Parking


Sewall Hall, room 301